All I need is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus!

Friday, May 28, 2010

So today has been one of those days were a it started out so calm, peaceful and serene and then whamm... you are suddenly hit with one little thing after another until literally you just want to just throw in the towel. Whether it is happening directly to you, or to those close to you, it can effect ones whole persona.

As those types of events started to unfold this morning, and stress levels were rising, I had to continue to remind myself that God is in control. And that how I react to these situations is really up to me. I can choose to lose my cool, be mad, curse, take it out on everyone around me. Or I can choose to remain calm and shine the light of Jesus to those around me, especially to my children.

I am not sure if I accomplished this completely today, but I am working on it every time things start spiraling downward. God help me to remember that You are in control and that in the big scheme of things...these really are small potatoes even though they seem like huge obstacles at the time. Let Your glory shine through me no matter what the situation, and especially in troubling or stressful times.

BTW...for what it is worth, the Van Meters do NOT know how to hot wire a car, even if it is necessary because the keys were left 60 miles away. :) (Long Story)

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! That does sound like a rough morning! I've had a dead battery, but not keys 60 miles away! The rest of your post was so inspiring! Thanks for the reminder! Love ya! :)
